Sunday, February 8, 2009

Return from Antioch

Well, it's been a week since I have returned from the show at Antioch. The title sounds like a movie! RETURN FROM ANTIOCH! Starring Brent Taylor and ......... well you get the point! I'd love to say that Antioch was a HUGE success but it wasn't :-( I sold some shirts and gained some experience on doing another show. But I'm trying to remain positive knowing this was only my second show.

Now I am vamping up for April and May. As of right now I'm planning on going to 6 more shows. On March 14 I'm hoping to be at a show at Sunshine Church on the E. Beltline. Then starting on the last weekend of March and ending on the first weekend of May, that being 6 weeks, I'll be in 5 shows out of six weekends. This should give me a good idea of what to expect of the general public concerning Imagosolo.

So, those are my recent thoughts concerning the ministry! Please keep me in your prayers and Imagosolo that we might help Christ be proclaimed throught the world!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, you told us at church to let u know what we thought of your designs and stuff, but i couldn't figure out where to put my response so, I hope this works.
    I think they're great. I like the fact that they're simple, and thought provoking. My personal favorite is the one about giving out of poverty rather than wealth. I think you have some good ideas so far, keep up the good work, I like what you're doing.
    grace and peace.
