Monday, June 14, 2010

Summer 2010 tour

Well it's the eve of my summer tour 2010! 4 weeks of living in the Imagosolo mobile! Pictures to come! I have been running continuously for the last 10 days (with short breaks here and there, for sanity's sake). I have folded over 1000 shirts. Labeled are relabeled, sorted and resorted, folded and refolded. I feel as if I'm running a small factory! In many ways I am. This moving and constantly having something to do gives a man a sense of purpose. A feeling of being that comes from his creator that transcends his understanding of life and the struggle that lie within it. To know this or that need to be done before such and such a time. To have a dead line and then to meet that line with fervor and passion. To say the the demands of life, "I see you and I welcome your challenge to live fully and to push forward in all that is required!" And so it is with that call I go to the unknown! As Captain Kirk would say, "to explore strange new worlds and new civilizations and to boldly go where no BRENT has gone before! (italics added, lol)

It seems going boldly wears a person out. Not sure I was meant to do all this alone. And I know ultimately that I don't go at it alone. For my God is ever before me and strengthens me for the task ahead. But to have a companion to share the 3000 mile journey to talk while staring at the road trying to stay awake! One with soft eyes and a winsome spirit. One made out of flesh and bones. Maybe one day that will happen but for now it's solo. As in Imago-solo!

At 9am I'll leave Grand Rapids and head for Icthus Festival in Wilmore KY. On Sunday morning I'll head for Denver for another show. I'll be in Denver until the 26th. On the 27th I'll head to Cornerstone Festival in Bushnell, IL until the 3rd of July. On the 6th I'll be in Indianapolis, IN for 3 days until I drive back to GR. Four weeks of travel and hoping to find a good shower and a place to do laundry. Lots of road time and lots of God time.

So, if you are reading this. Could you do me a favor? Pray for me! Pray for safety on the road and pray my truck makes it! Pray Imagosolo blows the roof off the nation and more people will be better equipped to share Jesus using language that they feel comfortable using!


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